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Like The Movie "The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind"? Here Are 100 Things You Need To Leave A Lasting Legacy With A Social Impact Cause In Real Life

April 20, 2022

Becoming a successful team requires more than just seeing and swinging at the ball. There are 5 foundational principles upon which to build an effective organization to make a lasting impact. They include:

Values & Vision — At Zara Charitable Foundation, we value happiness, and our vision is to fulfill a moral responsibility through quality service.

Strong, Talented Teams — There was no room for laziness in our farming family and that attitude translates into our belief in recruiting strong, talented teams whose efforts will convert this vision into action, guided by our core values.

Continuous Planning to Stay Prepared — Every detail matters. Every scenario must be thought through. At Zara, we “Focus” on relentlessly planning our goals and staying “Hands On” in executing operations to achieve key results.

Prevention is Better Than the Cure — Discipline and determination are huge factors in staying ahead of problems.

User Friendly — Always be kind. People remember how you make them feel. Treat others how you like to be respected and the universe will reward that positive energy. – Jay Sobhraj 

Click here to read the full article on Buzzfeed
